We will let members know the date of the 2025 AGM as soon as possible, but one possible date is Thursday 6th March at Rastrick Bowling Club.
You may propose amendments to any or all of the changes proposed by the Committee and listed below. These amendments must be submitted to the Membership or General Secretary in writing not later than 31st January. The rule changes together with any amendments will be voted on at the AGM.
Under Rule 4, the committee proposes that subscriptions for 2025/26 will be (changes highlighted in bold & italic font) :-
Full Members £336
Midweek Members £224
Concessionary Members £168
Higher Intermediate Members £224
Intermediate Members £168
Junior Members £18
Child Members £18
Non Playing Members £30
A facility will be made available for Members to pay by Standing Order, with the first payment of £28 by March 28th, followed by 11 monthly payments of £28 from April to February. Otherwise, members will need to make a single payment by bank transfer, cheque or cash.
Due to the ongoing need to attract new members, no entrance fees are charged at the moment.
Green Fees Midweek £10
Green Fees Midweek (Juniors) £5
Green Fees Weekend £15
Green Fees Weekend (Juniors) £7.50
Locker Rental £15 / £20
No other proposed rule changes have been submitted to the Committee .
David Bartliff
Membership Secretary
15th January 2025
Notes on competitions etc that were previously published in the club handbook are not Rules of Castlefields Golf Club, and so do not need to be voted in at the AGM. However, as a courtesy, the committee announced last year that the following rule will be added for the 2025 / 26 season. This is a reminder to give you time to get some qualifying cards in during the early events of 2025.
The Captain and committee reserve the right to make further changes before the season starts.
16. When playing in any major competition including the Fourball Cup and President’s Cup, but not the Lewis Broadley Shield and Philip Bentley Trophy, members who have not played in three qualifying competitions in the preceding 12 months will be limited to three quarters of their handicap. For clarity general play cards do not count as a qualifying competition. Members who have been issued with a new WHS handicap in the preceding 12 months will be exempted from this penalty.
If any member feels that there are extenuating circumstances why the penalty should not be applied, they can appeal to the committee before the relevant competition.
As usual, we are keen to attract new blood to the committee. If you are interested in putting yourself forward please contact the Membership or General Secretary as soon as possible.
There is also a sheet in the Clubhouse where you can sign up.