I'm delighted to share the news that we have donated £1850 to Overgate Hospice as a result of the Charity / Fundraising Day.
As a small club we think that is an excellent result, but we could not have done it without a lot of hard work from the committee and members and your generous support.
Thanks to eveyone who contributed to the success of the day!
We are celebrating Peter's unbelievable service to our Club, the HHDUGC and the Yorkshire Union by having a Celebration Golf Day on Saturday 27th July and wanted to share this event with you. We will also be contacting clubs in the Union and beyond directly so that people who know him have the opportunity to enter a team to play in the competition or alternatively want to call in at some point to see and celebrate the day with him.
We are also asking for some support in raising funds for Peter's love, Castlefields Golf Club and his chosen charity Overgate Hospice.
Just before his 90th birthday, we have decided to hold a fundraiser / charity day to celebrate the life and times of a local golfing legend, Peter Thompson.
Just before his 90th birthday, we have decided to hold a fundraiser / charity day to celebrate the life and times of a local golfing legend, Peter Thompson.